A good two hours by car north of Manila lies the town of Bacolor. In 1991, it was heavily damaged by the eruption of the Pinatubo Volcano. The ash plume rose 19 kilometers into the atmosphere. Several towns were destroyed by hot mud floods, others burried under a thick layer of ash. Around 800 people were killed. 10'000 became homeless. Bacolor lost its school.
Pinatubo eruption in 1991
It took Donc Bosco a long time to get the necessary funds to rebuild the school. In 2016, it was finally reopened. But it was never fully completed and until today lacks a lot of equipment.
The new Don Bosco school building in Bacolor
Fence with school guard
One of the school's biggest problems is the incomplete fence which allows burglers to enter the campus at night and steal computers and other school equipment. Father Boc was ask to finish the job and to bring the school back to its former glory.
The John D.V. Salvador Foundation will explore which projects we can support.
Bacolor north of Manila on Google Map
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